The Whipp Blog

8 Website Red Flags That Send Customers Running for the Exit

Posted by Stephanie Denchak

When a new prospective customer comes to your website, it’s like entering a new acquaintance’s house. First, you scan it over to get the feel of it, but when you start to look closer and realize there is no bathroom or notice those trash piles in every corner, all you want to do is get out, fast. Coming to a new website is a very similar situation – some things are expected to be there and when they aren’t, it makes the hairs on our neck stand up.

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Tags: Internet, Whipp List, Website Management

Why Your Content Deserves a Big Fat F (Literally)

Posted by Stephanie Denchak
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Tags: Web Content, Internet

Some Days You Just Want To Ask The Internet

Posted by Stephanie Denchak

The Internet has provided us with many things. As I sit here writing this I am entertained with web-streamed music, auto-updated messages flowing into my inbox from places near and far, and an array of different Internet web pages opened. Nine to be exact; each of them feeding me a different voice, a different thought and, more likely than not, a different opinion.

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Tags: Web Content, Internet

11 Things You Should Know About the Internet

Posted by Stephanie Denchak

The Internet is a wonderful thing. It has given us the ability to progress from the print world of information to the digital world, proving us all of the information we could ever hope to retain. And with 35% of the world’s population having access to the Internet, it’s a true source of technology that has changed the way people function. Really, when is the last time you looked something up in an encyclopedia instead of “googling it?” So since the Internet is such a big deal, here are 11 interesting and fun facts you should know about our dear friend, Internet.

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Tags: Internet, Whipp List

Taking Wofford Travel Brochures Out of This World

Posted by kayla ehrie

The transition from High School to College is one of life's great mile-markers, so it's no surprise that the decision to select your future Alma mater is one of careful deliberation and consideration. That's why when Wofford came to us to design their travel brochures; we decided to take their future students out of this world.

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Tags: Internet, admissions marketing, Travel Card, Whipp, Wofford College, content, admission marketing strategies

3 steps to analyze and adjust your tactics

Posted by kayla ehrie
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Tags: Internet, SEO, blog, "stuck" somewhere in the decision making, Whipp, Whipp List, marketing, online, lead generation, inbound marketing, Whipp guide, 3 steps

Social media killed the blog star?

Posted by kayla ehrie

Did social media take off and break the blogger hearts? Have Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, and all the other social networks done to blogging what video did to radio? Remember the lyrics? “Video killed the radio star.” Have blogger voices and careers been cut short by social media buzz? Is the era of blogging about to pass? We don’t think so. In-fact, we think the opposite.

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Tags: Internet, design, wordpress, online marketing, blog, Whipp, google, online, viral

Social Media Explained with Toast

Posted by kayla ehrie

Social Media can be tricky. This simple Whipp picture makes it easy as toast or pie or cake or whatever you're hungry for right now! We picked toast, you can pick whatever you want:


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Tags: Internet, design, vintage, Social Media Explained by Whipp, Whipp, online, inbound marketing, Whipp guide, Social Media explained with Toast

Landing Page Optimization-A quick start guide

Posted by kayla ehrie

First, if your companies call-to-actions are not remarkable, no one will make it to the landing page. Every marketing firm should understand their homepage is not a landing page. A landing page is a form that can’t be navigated away from. Good landing pages are a valuable asset to your business and produce eligible leads. They keep potential leads reading, engaged and on your site. Remember, a landing page should be deciphered in 5 to 6 seconds. If a person or company does not understand the value of the offer in that time, it may not be a functional landing page. So how should you create a perfect landing page?

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Tags: Internet, SEO, design, landing page, Whipp, analytics, google, marketing, content, online, inbound marketing

First Key to SEO: Keywords

Posted by kayla ehrie

Companies optimize how their web pages are found by allocating keywords to their pages. Good keywords (and phrases) are relevant and easily found online.

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Tags: Internet, SEO, design, online marketing, data tracking, Whipp, analytics, Links, Link boss, google, marketing, content, online, inbound marketing, Whipp guide, Keywords