The Whipp Blog

kayla ehrie

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Oh no, not another bow tie wearing Whipp-intern!

Posted by kayla ehrie

Fear not, Whipp Friends, Jeremy Boeh (b-A'y) is bringing something a little different to the world of interns.

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Tags: New Whipp Intern, Whipp, Jeremy Boeh

Admissions Marketing: What Ohio State, Harvard and other big colleges are doing differently

Posted by kayla ehrie
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Tags: admissions marketing, analytics, admission marketing strategies, Analytics and Social Media for college admissions

3 steps to analyze and adjust your tactics

Posted by kayla ehrie
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Tags: Internet, SEO, blog, "stuck" somewhere in the decision making, Whipp, Whipp List, marketing, online, lead generation, inbound marketing, Whipp guide, 3 steps

3 steps to Convert qualified leads to deposits

Posted by kayla ehrie
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Tags: Get found, admissions marketing, Whipp, analytics, Turn leads into customers, content, convert visitors to leads, admission marketing strategies

3 steps to covert visitors to leads

Posted by kayla ehrie
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Tags: blog, landing page, Whipp, marketing, online, lead generation, inbound marketing, Whipp guide, convert visitors to leads

3 Steps on being found for your admission marketing strategy

Posted by kayla ehrie
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Tags: Get found, Whipp admissions marketing, Whipp, 3 Steps on being found for you admission marketing, admission marketing strategies

4 steps for your admissions marketing content strategy

Posted by kayla ehrie

What is an admissions marketing content strategy?

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Tags: creative firms, design, blog, Whipp, content, viral

Instagram policy change

Posted by kayla ehrie

Instagram can sell your photos for a profit without notifying you?!

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Tags: instgram policy change, TOS, Instagram TOS, Facebook policy change, Whipp

It's 12/12/12

Posted by kayla ehrie

Today is  the day to go get 3 cases of Doritos and eat them all, to read the 12 zodiac sign’s horoscopes for the last three months, to cross 12 things off 3 different bucket lists, watch all 12 seasons of Murder She Wrote 3 times in fast forward while you listen to all 12 of Michael Jackson’s solo albums three times (if you include the "This is it," soundtrack).This is the day that makes up for all of you that broke mirrors, umbrellas inside, or walked under ladders, you need the luck! 

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Tags: 12-12-12, Celebrate on 12-12-12, 12/12/12, Whipp, 3 sets of 12, Last repetitive date day

Vote for pleated pants: Don't de-pleat options for men

Posted by kayla ehrie

Whipp recently noticed that there is an enthusiastic online outrage for pleat wearers, as if pleats are fanny-packs or the 1980’s prom dress of men’s pants.

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Tags: blog, style, Whipp, don't de-pleat mens options, pleats, to pleat or not to pleat, vote for pleats, online