The Whipp Blog

kayla ehrie

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Whipp list: 5 ridiculously outlandish and odd apps

Posted by kayla ehrie

Is there anything an App can’t do? There are apps for flashlights, apps for social media, apps for bubble wrap, animal sounds, voodoo dolls, apps to warn a guy when his lady is PMS-ing, and even apps help you choose who to drunk text.

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Tags: bad apps, 7 ridiculously outlandish and odd apps, 5 strangest apps, Whipp, crazy apps, list of strange apps, content, Odd apps, gross apps, top 7 strangest apps, Whipp list of crazy apps

Whipp spotlight on Smithworks: Its How You Know Its Forever

Posted by kayla ehrie

In this town, if you're looking for an engagement ring somewhere in the, let's say, $60,000 range, you go to Smithworks. Lewis Smith is pillar of the community, trusted for generations, and a favorite in the zip codes where zip codes mean something. But Lewis wasn't ringing bells in the young-love-first-marriage demo as much as he would like to (second, third, and fourth marriages were still strong) so he asked Whipp to help position him as the premier engagement ring retailer among the town's A-list under 30 set.

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Tags: design, Smithworks TV Spots, Whipp commercials, Smithworks and Whipp, Whipp, Smithworks, Whipp Spotlight, Whipp and Smithworks, online, Commercials

Spotlight on the Whipp process: Rug&Home

Posted by kayla ehrie

Rug&Home is a five-state home furnishings empire boasting hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of rugs, luxury furniture items, accessories, art, and decor.

Its reputation for high-end merchandise at rock bottom prices paired perfectly with its respected clientele ranging from Billy Graham and Gladys Knight to the Biltmore Estate and Hollywood movie sets (George Clooney HIMSELF has enjoyed the luxury of a Rug&Home rug).

But above and beyond anything else, they were best known for an iconic high-pitched, backward-walking blonde in a series of low budget commercials that were as much loathed as they were loved by viewers armed with mute buttons from Tennessee to Georgia and all points in between.

To make matters worse, test after test revealed that audiences thought Rug&Home only sold rugs, even though every one of their stores featured thousands of square feet of furniture and accessories.

So when their sweet young bombshell turned baby mama, Rug&Home turned to us to create something fresh and new that would signal a change without losing the fun, while elevating the brand and showcasing their variety beyond just rugs.

Derek had just recently been introduced to a brother-sister team of filmmakers from Hendersonville (who later moved to Hollywood and have just wrapped working on the Betty White Show) and Chris started stalking them on Facebook. After a few "brainstorming" sessions at Limeleaf Chris and Derek came up with the perfect plan to capitalize on the young artists' talents and sweep in a new era of commercial style for Rug&Home.

Challenge One: Turn down the volume without being boring

Challenge Two: Showcase the variety

Challenge Three: Elevate the brand and give it a personality

To contrast the chains previous vocal spokesgirl, the campaign featured a series of silent movies. Three styles of music were chosen to reflect three kinds of audiences (a happy and poppy charmer, a dramatic vaudeville jaunt, and a fashionista disco funk) and an animated tag was designed to highlight rugs along with the chain's three main locations and online store. The short silent films followed the antics of the brothers and sister through vignettes that showcased the entire scope of all the stores had to offer by allowing them to build entire rooms from start to finish and playfully interact with merchandise in a variety of styles.

We launched the campaign during the Super Bowl to huge success. And the purely visual approach proved to be just as effective if the viewer happened to be muting or fast forwarding as it was in real time. Responses from customers even indicated that they were so intrigued by the scenes that they tended to stop, rewind, and watch the commercials again whenever they spotted them.

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Tags: creative firms, design, style, Whipp, Rug&Home, Whipp guide, Whipp and Rug&Home

Social media killed the blog star?

Posted by kayla ehrie

Did social media take off and break the blogger hearts? Have Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, and all the other social networks done to blogging what video did to radio? Remember the lyrics? “Video killed the radio star.” Have blogger voices and careers been cut short by social media buzz? Is the era of blogging about to pass? We don’t think so. In-fact, we think the opposite.

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Tags: Internet, design, wordpress, online marketing, blog, Whipp, google, online, viral

5 black friday facts for marketers

Posted by kayla ehrie

Here are five Whipp facts about black friday for marketers:

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Rhodes? Where we are going...we have Rhodes

Posted by kayla ehrie

How does one become a Rhodes Scholar? Well, you become a Whipp intern first. Obvi.

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Tags: design, blog, Whipp, Rachel Woodlee, content, Rhodes Scholarship

Did you know...Pinterest

Posted by kayla ehrie

Five fun info-graphic facts about Pinterest:

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Tags: creative firms, design, vintage, style, Whipp, marketing, content, Pinterest facts, online, viral, inbound marketing

Be remarkably marketable on social media

Posted by kayla ehrie

Should your company be using social media?  We all need it, and it’s constantly changing at hyper speeds. Before your company decides to kick social media out the door, here are a few statistics:

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Tags: SEO, design, style, Social Media Explained by Whipp, Whipp, marketing, content, online, lead generation, inbound marketing, Whipp guide

Whipp’s Top 5 College and University Website Designs

Posted by kayla ehrie

1: Wofford. Ok, we may be slightly biased…We did design this one. But it speaks for itself. It is a beautiful site, easy to navigate and easy on the eyes. It’s an all around goody bag of worthy design technique to model after:

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Tags: design, vintage, style, Whipp, top 10 college websites, content, inbound marketing, Whipp guide, Whipp’s top 10 college websites


Posted by kayla ehrie

Links are like people. How does a post go viral? Word of mouth (and flash mobs). Think of each link like a mega-phone for your content and start shouting.

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Tags: SEO, vintage, style, Whipp, Links, marketing, online, viral, inbound marketing, Keywords