The Whipp Blog

Social Media: Don’t be a mindless company

Posted by kayla ehrie
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Tags: Internet, online marketing, Whipp, google, online

5 types of posts to try on for your business blog

Posted by kayla ehrie

Penny Loafer posts: Keep readers in the loop

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Tags: Internet, creative firms, design, style, Whipp, content, online, inbound marketing

Whipp's Favorite Google Search Tricks

Posted by kayla ehrie

Everybody Google searches. Why not do it with ease and a style that makes you look impressive? There are so many tricks and tips for googling. These are just a few we use here at Whipp. Try them out!

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Tags: Internet, design, online marketing, Whipp, google, content, online

Whipp's Vintage Vanity

Posted by kayla ehrie

Vintage is a style today, not a way of life. People such as myself who enjoy vinyl records enjoy the subtle hum of the needle on the record. It sounds nice when I don’t mind sitting in my living room, hearing 4 or 5 tracks and then turning the record over.

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Tags: creative firms, design, vintage, style, Whipp, marketing