The Whipp Blog

Stephanie Denchak

Recent Posts

NBC, PepsiCo To Place Video Ad Inside Your Print Magazine

Posted by Stephanie Denchak

This fall, CBS will be spicing up print magazines with a little digital love with the addition of a video-chip ad into an issue of Entertainment Weekly. And really it’s just the first step to becoming the real-life Daily Prophet (except hopefully without HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED). Yes that was a shameless Harry Potter reference. Yes this technology really is that cool.

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Tags: magazine advertising, video advertising

Lose the Static! Move to Dynamic Content Marketing

Posted by Stephanie Denchak

It is important to treat your viewers and customers engagement on your site like a real face-to-face conversation. If a guy came up and said, "hows the weather?" and you responded "let me teach you how to jump rope," that guy is probably going to walk away from you. Don't let them walk away from your website.

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Tags: Content Marketing, E-Book, marketing

A Complete Higher Education Content Checklist

Posted by Stephanie Denchak

Most colleges and universities have so many pieces of content to remember that a few get overlooked. What if we told you there was a content checklist that includes everything from what guides you need to supply for downloads and which pages should appear under "admissions" on your website to the different types of resources you need to make sure your marketing campaigns happens according to plan?

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Tags: higher education web checklist, Higher education content

8 Website Red Flags That Send Customers Running for the Exit

Posted by Stephanie Denchak

When a new prospective customer comes to your website, it’s like entering a new acquaintance’s house. First, you scan it over to get the feel of it, but when you start to look closer and realize there is no bathroom or notice those trash piles in every corner, all you want to do is get out, fast. Coming to a new website is a very similar situation – some things are expected to be there and when they aren’t, it makes the hairs on our neck stand up.

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Tags: Internet, Whipp List, Website Management

Man Loses $9K When His Fake Ship is Blown Up: Virtual Gaming Purchases For Not-So Virtual Money

Posted by Stephanie Denchak

Last week in the gaming world a real tragedy took place. After the purchase of a large gamer-envious supercarrier known as the Revenant, the owner watched his $9K purchase burn as the pixels disintegrated off of the screen in a player ambush. That’s right, nine THOUSAND dollars invested into a virtual object, gone in minutes. When the EVE Online player purchased the 309 billion ISK (Interstellar Kredits) ship, there were only two others of its size, and was among the highest priced purchases in the game.

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Tags: Virtual Money, Online Gaming

Why Your Content Deserves a Big Fat F (Literally)

Posted by Stephanie Denchak
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Tags: Web Content, Internet

Some Days You Just Want To Ask The Internet

Posted by Stephanie Denchak

The Internet has provided us with many things. As I sit here writing this I am entertained with web-streamed music, auto-updated messages flowing into my inbox from places near and far, and an array of different Internet web pages opened. Nine to be exact; each of them feeding me a different voice, a different thought and, more likely than not, a different opinion.

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Tags: Web Content, Internet

Can Social Media Bring Social Change? DOMA. Snowden. You.

Posted by Stephanie Denchak
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Tags: social media, social change

Branding the World: Stories Behind Some of the Most Well Known Logos

Posted by Stephanie Denchak
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Tags: Whipp List, Logos

The Big Secret to a Successful B2B Marketing Plan (Hint: It's One Word)

Posted by Stephanie Denchak

You would think that, after doing it for so long, businesses would understand how to sell to other businesses. But still, there are more companies without effective marketing strategies than with. With rapidly advancing technology that helps with everything from online targeting to automated marketing, businesses that don’t already know how to successfully market to other businesses are falling behind. WAY behind. And yet, for some reason, businesses think it is okay to talk to other businesses as if they are robots. You know those are people on the other end of the keyboard, right?

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Tags: Content Marketing, B2B