Most colleges and universities have so many pieces of content to remember that a few get overlooked. What if we told you there was a content checklist that includes everything from what guides you need to supply for downloads and which pages should appear under "admissions" on your website to the different types of resources you need to make sure your marketing campaigns happens according to plan?
We've worked tirelessly to compile a list of every piece of content you will ever need for your higher education marketing strategy. Using this list will ensure you will not skip over any pieces of printed materials, web content and more.
Are you sure you're covering all of the higher education content you need?

Excuse us for not interrupting. We create content for today’s audience-controlled mediaverse. We don’t shout above the noise. We bring the conversation in close. And we keep it real. You are exactly what your prospects have been looking for. Maybe they just don’t know it yet. We can turn you into their hero. Let us create an image and a message that resonates with people looking for someone that speaks their language. We're Whipp.