The Whipp Blog

kayla ehrie

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Whipp's Vintage Vanity

Posted by kayla ehrie

Vintage is a style today, not a way of life. People such as myself who enjoy vinyl records enjoy the subtle hum of the needle on the record. It sounds nice when I don’t mind sitting in my living room, hearing 4 or 5 tracks and then turning the record over.

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Tags: creative firms, design, vintage, style, Whipp, marketing

1984 Meets 2012

Posted by kayla ehrie

A news story I was reading this morning on NPR posed a question  I think most our followers are interested in; Have we become weather balloons, helping government predict different futures through the web? Ok...I lied, it posed several questions...The next being, how do we observe the world as people, as organizations, and as a general community? Has Facebook and Twitter and other online social media/news feeds taken over? Have we become predictable, traceable, and mathematical creatures? If so, who is watching?  Is it better to have predictive advertising or do we want the web out of our cookie-jar?

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Tags: Internet, online marketing, data tracking, analytics, google, online, lead generation