A news story I was reading this morning on NPR posed a question I think most our followers are interested in; Have we become weather balloons, helping government predict different futures through the web? Ok...I lied, it posed several questions...The next being, how do we observe the world as people, as organizations, and as a general community? Has Facebook and Twitter and other online social media/news feeds taken over? Have we become predictable, traceable, and mathematical creatures? If so, who is watching? Is it better to have predictive advertising or do we want the web out of our cookie-jar?
The Whipp Blog
Tags: Internet, online marketing, data tracking, analytics, google, online, lead generation
If you run a business, you need a website. This much is already established. If you’ve already got a site but you aren’t seeing the kind of traffic that you think you’re capable of bringing in, you’ve probably come to terms with the fact that you’re going to need a serious revamp or a full on do-over. The good news? Acceptance is the first step. Oddly enough, it’s one that an awful lot of business owners come to slowly, if ever at all. But it’s step number two that’s the most crucial of all: deciding who to hire to help you in that process. Make the wrong choice, and you could end up right back where you started. Make the right choice, and it could be a game changer that might propel your business into the stratosphere.
Tags: creative firms, wordpress, online marketing, CMS, marketing, online, inbound marketing
Step right up – it’s goin’ down. Today, we’re pitting Content against Design in an epic showdown that will decide once and for all exactly which is more important to successful website design. If you’re tired of all the rhetoric and the cries of supremacy from either side, you’ll want a front row ticket to this down and dirty rumble.
Tags: design, marketing, content, online, lead generation
I came across this ZOLTAR machine in Nashville. I found myself wondering why one dollar seemed like a perfectly reasonable price to pay (because it totally was) for an unreliable fortune delivered by a mechanical puppet from a Tom Hanks movie. Novelty right? Sure, it only does the one thing. But it does it with such style. Still, novelty has a short shelf life. So ZOLTAR thrives here in this high-traffic town, refilled with fresh faces on a daily basis. But If I were looking for something to rally repeat business in a room full of regulars, i'd try a different tactic altogether, wouldn't I? Maybe ZOLTAR blackjack or ZOLTAR karaoke? Just so long as its ZOLTAR…i really like him.
Tags: creative firms, design, content, online