Not only can LinkedIn help you build, import, keep in touch with, and network your way to new connections as always, because there is soon to be more. Most people think of LinkedIn as a way to put their portfolio online and network. Yes, that’s all true. However, now there are better ways to do this with the same portfolio and networking site we have all come to use. LinkedIn is adding a brand new platform for capturing users' geniuses in a previously unable way: pictures and video.
The Whipp Blog
kayla ehrie
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Tags: Southeastern Products, Whipp TV, What Happened in the pool, Behind the scenes, Whipp video
During a conference, there are ideas, people, social networks, and business cards flying around every which way. Take note. Remember going to slumber parties as a child? Besides the cake, new toys to play with, and an extra long recess with your friends…you took home a goody bag. You gave a gift, and in return, you got a gift.. The kids who gave out the coolest stuff in their goody bags were the coolest kids in school that week. Conferences may seem overwhelming at times, but remember you are there to take home a goody bag of information. Think of conferences as an adult slumber party. You are there to get all of these gifts of information, tips, and trick…but you are also there to give gifts after. Share, share, share and be the kid with the coolest after-conference goody bag. There are several ways to take note at a conference. If you read our last blog, you know Twitter is a great way to do it. However, if you are not an avid tweeter, or feel you do not belong in the twittershphere, there are other ways to get word out about your conference experience.
Tags: conference planner, Whipp, how to at a conference, social media, Conference notes, social media confrence
Twitter has been working its way to the top, 140 characters at a time, for a while now. And there is a right and a wrong way for a business to use it, especially at a conference or meeting. If it is used correctly, it can be a gateway to establishing communication with future clients, customers, or students.
Tags: blog, data tracking, Whipp, analytics, content, Rule tips and tools for live tweeting, lead generation, Conference tweeting, Live tweeting, Admissions staff tweeting, Twitter and Conferences
The transition from High School to College is one of life's great mile-markers, so it's no surprise that the decision to select your future Alma mater is one of careful deliberation and consideration. That's why when Wofford came to us to design their travel brochures; we decided to take their future students out of this world.
Tags: Internet, admissions marketing, Travel Card, Whipp, Wofford College, content, admission marketing strategies
Today is the one day a year that the most credible news sources, media outlets, and big name brands and companies get to be completely false. Why wouldn’t they take advantage of it? Looking around the web today, Whipp noticed a few BIG companies telling TALL tales. Here is our top 5 April Fool’s day pranks by online Gods:
Tags: April fools day 2013, Best april fool's day pranks, Google jokes
Whipp created a three spot television campaign for Spartanburg Community College, designed to highlight three key areas of significance.
Tags: SCC, Spartanburg Community College, Spartanburg community college video, SCC video
At Wofford College's core is their amazing students. We designed Taking Chances as a way to showcase some of them...and to make ourselves jealous of what these kids have accomplished while they were still in school.
Tags: Wofford, Viewbook, Taking Chances, Wofford Viewbook