The Whipp Blog
Britt-Britt has been interning here for 10 days. So far, I know that she likes obscure but awesome music that I’ve never heard of, doesn’t know ANY cheesecake flavors, and would rather use a mouse than a trackpad (what is that about?!?). We are definitely going to break her of two of those, but in the meantime she will contribute her profound writing skills to the Whipp team in hopes of educating people everywhere on the How To’s of the world. Britt-Britt is a junior at USC Upstate so if you randomly walk past a blonde girl on campus, feel free to yell out “BRITT BRITT,” and if she turns, say hey to her! We hope to make her feel warm and welcome in the great downtown of Sparkle City while she is with us, and will be sure to teach her the ins and outs of agency life in the Pacific NorthWest (seriously, will it ever stop raining?). Britt-Britt spends her time away from the Whipp office at the USC Upstate newspaper, The Carolinian, and in her English major classes, insisting that we, over here at Whipp, are not, in fact, the (only) cool kids of Spartanburg. In order to learn more about Britt-Britt the Intern, we sang a classic rendition of Billy Joel’s “Allentown” together, hiked around Pisgah in matching banana suits, and then I had her answer these super intimate questions.
Tags: whipp intern